Homeowner Survey
During Spring and Summer 2021, the OSU Oregon Policy Analysis Laboratory conducted a random sample survey of WUI households in Deschutes County, Oregon. The random sample was generated from county taxlot data. The survey was implemented using a mixed-methods (mail and online) approach, with respondents choosing their preferred method of response. Two waves of mail surveys (initial contact and reminder) were sent to 1,500 households including a URL with a link to a Qualtrics survey. Participation in the household survey was completely voluntary and respondents consented by either following a link to complete the survey online or completing the mail survey and returning it in a business reply envelope. In total 458 surveys were returned for a 30.5% response rate. Preliminary analyses suggest that respondents who exhibit egalitarian cultural traits are more likely than other cultural traits to engage with local collaborative organizations for wildfire information and to engage in more firewise behaviors with their property. Survey results for each question are provided in tabular form.